Dr. Alejandro Castillo Peláez

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Michaël from Enlistalo Fertilidad México Written, edited and updated by Michaël Veillette

IVF in Mexico

The Cost of IVF in Mexico
Complete Guide & Analysis

IVF in Mexico - A complete guide including everything you need to know about IVF in Mexico

Last update on: Tuesday, July 23rd 2024Last update: Tuesday, July 23rd 2024

Ever wondered about IVF and what it entails? Well, wonder no more! In this complete guide, we're breaking down all the steps of IVF in Mexico in a way that's easy to understand and oh-so-friendly.

If you're exploring affordable fertility options and willing to travel, you've landed in the right place. From understanding the process to choosing the perfect clinic south of the border, consider this guide to be your trusty resource on this exciting journey!

Key Takeaways

  • In Mexico, the cost of a complete cycle of IVF is usually around $6,000 USD including medical consultations and monitoring, egg retrieval, egg puncture, ICSI, sperm preparation, fertilization, a fresh embryo transfer and usually a couple months to a year of storage for the remaining embryos.
  • The cost of stimulation medication, which includes pharmaceuticals such as Gonal-F, Merional, Pergoveris, and Menapur, typically hovers around $3,000 USD. Some patients may find additional cost savings by exploring online options that specialize in IVF medications. Through these outlets, it's possible to save up to $1,000 USD on stimulation medication.
  • The entire process spans an average duration of 30 days from the initial consultation to the completion of a cycle. However, it's important to know that patients are not required to stay in Mexico for the entire duration of this period. Typically, international patients plan their journey in two separate trips, each lasting about 4 to 6 days.
  • Mexico City, Mérida, and Puerto Vallarta are among the safest locations for fertility procedures.

1. Introduction

Explanation of IVF (In vitro fertilization)

Alright, let's get down to it and talk about in vitro fertilization, commonly known as IVF. This groundbreaking procedure has been a game-changer for many hopeful parents looking to expand their families.

Here's the deal: IVF is a highly advanced fertility treatment that can work wonders for couples facing challenges conceiving naturally. It involves combining an egg and sperm outside the body in a controlled environment – think of it as a little miracle in a petri dish.

Now, IVF isn't just a one-size-fits-all solution. It's a meticulously planned process that begins with stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then carefully retrieved and united with sperm in a lab, where fertilization takes place.

Once fertilization occurs, the resulting embryos are closely monitored and evaluated for quality. The strongest and healthiest embryos are selected for transfer back into the uterus, with the hope that they'll implant and develop into a pregnancy.

But here's the kicker: IVF isn't always a walk in the park. It can be emotionally and physically demanding, and success isn't guaranteed on the first try. However, with perseverance, patience, and the support of a skilled medical team, many couples achieve their dreams of parenthood through IVF.

So, while IVF may seem like a daunting journey, it's also a beacon of hope for those longing to start or grow their families. With advancements in technology and the dedication of experts in the field, the possibilities are truly endless.

Why consider Mexico for an IVF

The decision-making process for In Vitro Fertilization can feel like navigating a maze. But fear not, because considering IVF in Mexico might just be the best scenario.

Mexico has emerged as a top contender in the world of reproductive medicine, and for good reason. First off, let's talk expertise. Mexican fertility clinics boast highly trained specialists and cutting-edge facilities, offering world-class care without the hefty price tag you might find elsewhere in America.

But it's not just about the expertise – Mexico offers a unique blend of cultural warmth and hospitality that can make a world of difference during your IVF journey. From compassionate medical staff to a supportive community of fellow patients, you'll find comfort and reassurance every step of the way.

And let's not forget about affordability. Compared to many Western countries, the cost of IVF in Mexico can be significantly lower, making this option accessible to a broader range of hopeful parents.

But perhaps the most compelling reason to consider IVF in Mexico is the success stories. With impressive success rates and a track record of helping couples achieve their dreams of parenthood, Mexican fertility clinics have earned their reputation as leaders in the field.

So, if you're weighing your options for IVF treatment, don't overlook Mexico. With its blend of expertise, compassion, affordability, and success, it just might be the perfect destination to embark on your journey to parenthood.

2. Understanding IVF

Understanding IVF

Step-by-step explanation of the IVF process

In the IVF process, the journey begins with ovarian stimulation, where hormone injections prompt the ovaries to produce multiple eggs. These eggs are then retrieved through a minimally invasive procedure under sedation.

Once retrieved, the eggs are fertilized with sperm in a lab dish, with hopes of successful fertilization. The resulting embryos are cultured and monitored for several days to ensure optimal development.

For those considering preimplantation genetic testing for aneuploidy or gender selection, this can be incorporated into the process. Similarly, procedures like testicular sperm extraction (TESE) or percutaneous epididymal sperm aspiration (PESE) may be utilized if needed.

In cases where egg donation is necessary, healthy donor eggs can be fertilized with sperm and transferred to the recipient's uterus. This option opens doors for patients facing specific fertility challenges.

Finally, once embryos are deemed viable, they're transferred back into the uterus in a simple, outpatient procedure. Following the transfer, a pregnancy test is conducted to determine the outcome.

Throughout the entire journey, patients are supported by a dedicated team of fertility experts who provide guidance, support, and optimism every step of the way. Though the road may have its challenges, the ultimate goal of achieving a successful pregnancy remains within reach.

Who can benefit from going to Mexico for an IVF

Mexico presents a compelling destination for patients navigating the complexities of fertility challenges and considering IVF.

Those seeking high-quality care at a fraction of the cost commonly associated with IVF in other countries will find Mexico an attractive option.

Moreover, individuals who value expertise, compassion, and access to cutting-edge technology will discover that Mexican fertility clinics offer top-notch care delivered by skilled professionals.

In Mexico, fertility doctors prioritize a close, personal connection with their patients, a stark contrast to the States. Through daily communication channels like text messages, WhatsApp, and email, doctors maintain direct contact with their patients, offering reassurance and support throughout the IVF journey.

This level of accessibility and personalized care can be incredibly comforting for patients, fostering a sense of trust and confidence in their medical team. With this close-knit relationship, patients undergoing IVF in Mexico can rest assured that they're not facing their fertility challenges alone.

Ultimately, those considering IVF in Mexico can rest assured that they're embarking on a path paved with promise and possibility. With the right support and guidance, the dream of starting or expanding a family is well within reach.

Success rates and factors affecting success

When it comes to IVF success rates in Mexico, the outlook is promising. Skilled fertility clinics across the country boast impressive success rates, offering hope to patients seeking to start or expand their families.

Several factors play a crucial role in determining IVF success. These include the age and overall health of the people undergoing treatment, the quality of the embryos produced, and any underlying fertility issues that may be present.

Despite the complexities involved, the dedicated teams of experts in Mexican fertility clinics are committed to maximizing success rates through personalized care, cutting-edge technology, and a compassionate approach.

While success can never be guaranteed, patients undergoing IVF in Mexico can take comfort in knowing that they're in capable hands, with every effort made to achieve the desired outcome.

3. Preparing for IVF in Mexico

Preparing for IVF in Mexico

Choosing a Mexican fertility clinic and location

Start by researching reputable clinics that boast a track record of success and a team of skilled professionals. Look for clinics that prioritize personalized care, compassionate support, and cutting-edge technology.

Location also plays a crucial role in the decision-making process. Consider factors such as proximity to your accommodation, accessibility, and the overall ambiance of the area. Some patients may prefer bustling urban centers, while others may find solace in more tranquil surroundings.

Booking online consultations is a pivotal step in the process of choosing a fertility clinic. Many clinics offer these consultations through platforms like WhatsApp, Zoom, and Facebook Messenger, providing a convenient and accessible way to connect with doctors and discuss treatment options.

During these consultations, it's essential for patients to feel confident and comfortable with the doctor. Ask questions, voice concerns, and assess whether the doctor's approach aligns with your values and preferences.

Expected timeline

Understanding the timeline is crucial for planning an in vitro procedure in Mexico. From the initiation of stimulation medication to the embryo transfer, the entire process typically spans around 25 days.

However, many American and Canadian patients may find it challenging to stay for such an extended period. In such cases, they have the option to split their stay into two trips, each lasting 4 to 6 days.

During the first trip, patients undergo initial bloodwork, leave a semen sample, and acquire stimulation medication. They then return home to begin taking medication for approximately 10 to 12 days, stimulating the ovaries to produce multiple eggs.

For the second trip, patients return to Mexico for the embryo transfer, which typically occurs around 5 to 9 days after starting the medication. This allows the embryos to develop to the blastocyst stage, which is optimal for transfer into the uterus. Following the transfer, patients can usually return home 1 or 2 days later.

This approach allows patients to undergo the IVF procedure with minimal disruption to their daily lives while still receiving the high-quality care and expertise available in Mexican fertility clinics.

Travel and Accommodation

Popular websites like Airbnb, Expedia, and Booking.com offer lots of options for flights and accommodations, catering to the needs and preferences of international patients.

Moreover, navigating cities in Mexico is made convenient with various transportation options. From taxis and buses to subways, getting around is a breeze. For added ease and affordability, travelers can rely on Uber, which is widely available and user-friendly, particularly for those not fluent in Spanish.

The familiarity of the Uber app for Canadian and American users ensures a seamless travel experience, allowing patients to focus on their IVF journey with peace of mind.

4. Costs and Financial Planning

Costs and Financial Planning

Breakdown of IVF costs in Mexico

Patients can expect a range of expenses depending on their own circumstances and treatment needs. Here's a breakdown with average costs:

Initial Consultation ($50 USD on average)

Typically, clinics charge a fee for the initial consultation, which includes a comprehensive assessment and discussion of treatment options. However, it's important to note that many clinics also offer free online consultations. If your clinic does not provide free consultation, you can expect an average cost of $50 USD.

Bloodwork and semen analysis ($500 USD on average)

The cost of bloodwork and semen analysis typically amounts to around $500 USD. This fee covers essential diagnostic tests to assess the reproductive health of both partners involved in the IVF process. While this may seem like a modest investment, it provides invaluable insights into potential fertility issues and lays the groundwork for a personalized treatment plan.

Stimulation Medications ($1,500 to $3,000 USD)

On average, the cost of medication for standard IVF is around $3,000 USD, while for egg donation IVF, it's approximately $1500 USD. However, it's important to recognize that the actual cost of medication may vary from patient to patient depending on their own response to treatment. Some patients may require higher or lower doses of medication, leading to variability in costs.

Monitoring, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo culture and transfer ($5,500 USD on average)

The cost of monitoring, egg retrieval, fertilization, embryo culture, and transfer in Mexico typically amounts to around $5,500 USD. This fee covers crucial aspects of the IVF process, including the careful monitoring of ovarian response, the retrieval of eggs from the ovaries, fertilization of the eggs with sperm in the lab, the culture of resulting embryos, and the transfer of viable embryos back into the uterus.

Frozen Embryo Transfer ($2,500 USD on average)

The average cost of Frozen Embryo Transfer (FET) in Mexico is approximately $2,500 USD, including medication. This fee covers the process of preparing the uterus for embryo implantation, as well as the transfer of frozen embryos into the uterus. The inclusion of medication ensures that patients have everything they need for a successful FET procedure.

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy ($4,000 USD on average)

Preimplantation Genetic Testing for Aneuploidy (PGT-a), especially in cases of gender selection, typically costs around $4,000 USD for all the embryos retrieved in a retrieval cycle. This comprehensive fee covers the screening of embryos for chromosomal abnormalities and allows patients to select embryos of a desired gender for transfer. While this investment may seem significant, it provides peace of mind and greater control over the IVF process, ultimately increasing the chances of a successful pregnancy.

Preimplantation Genetic Screening ($4,000 USD on average)

Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS) typically costs around $4,000 USD on average. This fee covers the comprehensive screening of embryos for chromosomal abnormalities, providing valuable insights into their genetic health. While this may seem like a significant investment, it offers patients peace of mind by increasing the likelihood of a successful pregnancy and reducing the risk of genetic disorders.

Hysteroscopy ($3,000 USD on average)

Hysteroscopy, also known as endometrial scratching, typically costs around $3,000 USD on average. This procedure involves examining the inside of the uterus to diagnose and treat any abnormalities that may affect fertility. While this may seem like a significant investment, hysteroscopy can improve the chances of successful embryo implantation during IVF treatment. By addressing any underlying issues in the uterus, patients can increase their chances of achieving a healthy pregnancy.

Egg and semen donation (around $2,000 USD)

The cost of egg and semen donation typically averages around $2,000 USD for each donation. This fee covers the screening, retrieval, and processing of donor eggs or sperm, ensuring high-quality reproductive material for individuals or couples undergoing IVF treatment. While this may seem like a significant expense, egg and semen donation offer hope to those facing fertility challenges by providing access to viable reproductive material from healthy donors.

Assisted hatching (around $750 USD)

Assisted hatching typically costs around $750 USD on average. This procedure involves creating a small hole in the outer layer of the embryo to facilitate its implantation into the uterus during IVF treatment. While this may seem like a modest expense, assisted hatching can improve the chances of successful embryo implantation and ultimately lead to a healthy pregnancy.

Testicular biopsy (around $3,000 USD)

A testicular biopsy, also known as Percutaneous Epididymal Sperm Aspiration (PESE) or Testicular Sperm Extraction (TESE), typically costs around $3,000 USD on average. This procedure involves the retrieval of sperm directly from the testicles for use in IVF treatment. While this may seem like a significant expense, testicular biopsy offers hope to individuals or couples facing male factor infertility by providing access to viable sperm for fertilization.

Financing options and insurance coverage

Navigating the financial aspects of fertility procedures can be daunting, but for those who need financial assistance, several options are available. Here are some potential avenues to explore:

Personal Loan and Credit Union

Exploring personal loan options from banks, credit unions, or online lenders is a wise consideration. Personal loans commonly feature fixed interest rates and repayment terms, providing a structured approach to managing loan payments. This ensures ease in planning and budgeting, offering peace of mind as individuals or couples navigate the financial aspects of their fertility journey. With a range of lenders available, including credit unions, obtaining a personal loan becomes a viable and accessible option for financing fertility treatments.

LightStream Loans, Upgrade Loans, PenFed Credit Union, and Upstart Loans are recognized as reliable providers of personal loans with favorable terms and competitive interest rates. These lenders understand the unique financial needs of individuals undergoing fertility treatments and offer flexible loan options to accommodate those needs. Moreover, credit unions like PenFed Credit Union provide personalized service and may offer lower interest rates compared to traditional banks.

Credit Cards

Another option is to use a credit card with an available credit limit to cover medical expenses. However, it's important to be mindful of high interest rates associated with credit cards and aim to pay off the balance promptly to avoid accruing excessive interest.

Medical Loans

Specialized financial institutions offer medical loans designed specifically for covering medical expenses. These loans often come with more flexible terms and lower interest rates compared to standard personal loans.

401(k) Loan

Some individuals may have the option to borrow against their 401(k) retirement account. While this can provide access to funds, it's crucial to consider potential tax implications and impact on long-term retirement savings.

Home Equity Line of Credit (HELOC)

Homeowners with built-up equity in their homes can explore the option of a HELOC, which offers a revolving line of credit secured by the home. HELOCs typically feature lower interest rates than credit cards, but it's essential to understand that the home serves as collateral.

Embarking on the journey to parenthood is a profound and transformative experience, often involving critical decisions about fertility treatments. For many, pursuing these procedures in Mexico offers a chance to fulfill their dreams of starting a family in a cost-effective and supportive environment.

While financial considerations may pose challenges, the expanding landscape of healthcare financing provides prospective parents with a range of options to ease the burden.

5. COFEPRIS and Cell Transportation


COFEPRIS, also known as the Federal Committee for Protection from Sanitary Risks (Comisión Federal para la Protección contra Riesgos Sanitarios), is a crucial department within the Mexican agency responsible for overseeing the importation of medical devices and granting advertising permits for these products.

Established in 2001 in accordance with Article 17 Bis of the General Law of Health and Article 4 of the Constitution, COFEPRIS operates as a decentralized and autonomous body under the leadership of a commissioner appointed by the Mexican president.

In addition to its core functions, COFEPRIS also plays a pivotal role in controlling health facilities, regulating advertising activities to ensure public health safety, and monitoring the manufacturing, importation, and exportation of health products. Notably, COFEPRIS serves as the regulatory authority for the transportation of human cells, such as eggs, embryos, or semen, for IVF procedures.

Any such materials transported from the United States to Mexican clinics must undergo COFEPRIS approval to ensure legal transfer. This process typically takes between 1 to 3 months, depending on various factors and the workload of the regulatory body.

Despite the necessary regulatory procedures, COFEPRIS operates with a commitment to safeguarding public health and promoting advancements in healthcare.

By ensuring the legal and safe transfer of medical materials and upholding stringent standards, COFEPRIS contributes to the integrity and effectiveness of healthcare services in Mexico, ultimately benefiting patients and healthcare providers alike.

Transporting your eggs, embryos or semen to Mexico

Transporting eggs, embryos, or semen samples from the United States to Mexico involves a structured process facilitated by trusted companies such as ArkCryo, IVF Couriers, or Embryoport. These companies specialize in handling the delicate transportation of reproductive materials, ensuring their safe and timely delivery. The average price for such transportation typically amounts to $4,000 USD.

However, before the materials can be transferred legally to Mexican clinics, they must undergo approval by COFEPRIS, the Federal Committee for Protection from Sanitary Risks.

COFEPRIS plays a crucial role in regulating the importation of medical materials, including reproductive cells, to ensure compliance with health and safety standards.

Once the materials receive COFEPRIS approval, they can be legally transferred to the intended destination in Mexico, allowing patients to proceed with their fertility treatments confidently and optimistically.

6. Legal and Ethical Considerations

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Mexico regulations on IVF

A study by Reprod Health published in 2021 delved into the regulation of in vitro fertilization (IVF) in Mexico, a country where the practice has witnessed a significant rise. Despite being the third-highest country in the region for IVF cycles, Mexico lacks a comprehensive national regulation for assisted reproduction. The research aimed to scrutinize the existing legislation surrounding assisted reproduction practices in Mexico while also examining legal frameworks in other regions like Latin America, North America, and Europe.

Through thorough analysis of various databases, articles, legal documents, and official agency websites, it was revealed that Mexico lacks specific legislation governing assisted reproduction practices. However, clinics operate under agreements established by national and regional organizations, such as the Mexican Association of Reproductive Medicine and the Latin America Network of Assisted Reproduction (REDLARA).

Although the General Health Law in Mexico vaguely addresses assisted reproduction, there's a notable absence of explicit legal provisions. The study underscores the urgency of establishing robust laws for assisted reproduction in Mexico that align with scientific progress and uphold human rights. By doing so, it's optimistic that Mexico can mitigate discriminatory practices and ensure safe and ethical assisted reproduction practices for all.

7. Success Stories and Testimonials

Inspiring stories and testimonies from patients

Trusted testimonies and success stories from other patients who have undergone IVF procedures in Mexico serve as great resources for individuals considering similar treatments. These accounts provide firsthand insights into the clinic's practices, the quality of care received, and the overall experience of the IVF journey.

Hearing from patients who have successfully achieved their dream of parenthood through IVF can offer hope, reassurance, and inspiration to others embarking on a similar path. Here is a list of testimonies from patients who have undergone IVF procedures at reputable clinics in Mexico including Inmater, Ingenes and LIV Fertility:

Cristina - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Brigitte and Juan Manuel - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Amanda - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Sarah - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Sheneque - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Sheneque - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Lupita - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Widad and Hassan - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Mari - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Julie - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


LIV Fertility
Elpida - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


LIV Fertility
Sara - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


LIV Fertility
Amanda - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


LIV Fertility
Aprylle - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico


Olga - Success Story of an IVF in Mexico



These testimonials provide valuable insights into the diverse experiences and outcomes of IVF treatment in Mexico, helping you make informed decisions and feel confident about your journey towards parenthood.

8. Resources and Additional Support

Contact information of reputable fertility doctors and clinics

We're thrilled to present a comprehensive list of fertility doctors and clinics renowned for their excellence in Mexico.

These esteemed professionals and facilities have garnered reputations for providing top-notch care and achieving remarkable success rates in helping patients realize their dreams of starting or expanding their families.

Explore our list with confidence, knowing that each entry represents a trusted option.

Dr. Alejandro Castillo Peláez

Dr. Alejandro Castillo Peláez

Inmater Sierra Mojada 340, Lomas de Chapultepec, Miguel Hidalgo, 11000, Mexico City Learn more
Dra. Aline Garcia

Dra. Aline Garcia

LIV Fertility Paseo de los Cocoteros No.55-3301, 63735, Nuevo Vallarta Learn more
Dr. Miguel de Jesús López Rioja

Dr. Miguel de Jesús López Rioja

ViaFERT Mariano Escobedo 185, Primer Cuadro, Culiacán Rosales, 80000, Sinaloa Learn more
Dra. Yesenia Recio López

Dra. Yesenia Recio López

ViaFERT Mariano Escobedo 185, Primer Cuadro, Culiacán Rosales, 80000, Sinaloa Learn more
Dr. Jorge Enrique Torres Ramirez

Dr. Jorge Enrique Torres Ramirez

Biofert Tlacotalpan 39, Roma Sur, Cuauhtémoc, 06760, Mexico City Learn more
Dr. Nicolás Kenichi Kameyama Huacuja

Dr. Nicolás Kenichi Kameyama Huacuja

Ingenes Av. Diego Rivera 2311-Piso 10, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana Learn more
Dr. Fabián Walters Arballo

Dr. Fabián Walters Arballo

Fertilite Avenida Paseo de los Héroes #10999, Officina #911, Zona Urbana Rio Tijuana, 22010 Tijuana Learn more
Dra. Socorro Gonzalez

Dra. Socorro Gonzalez

Fertygen Montiel 206, Lindavista Nte., Gustavo A. Madero, 07300, Mexico City Learn more
Dr. Alvaro L. Pérez May

Dr. Alvaro L. Pérez May

Instituto Vida Av. Colón 204-D, García Ginerés, 97070, Mérida Learn more
Dra. Azul Estefanía Torres Rivera

Dra. Azul Estefanía Torres Rivera

Advanced Fertility Center Avenida Tulum, Súper Manzana 9, Manzana 1, Lote 3, Cancún Learn more
Dr. Alejandro Chávez Badiola

Dr. Alejandro Chávez Badiola

New Hope Fertility Plaza Fusion Galerías, C. Ottawa 1568, Providencia, 44630, Guadalajara Learn more

Helpful websites, forums, and support groups

📚 IVF Support Group on Facebook
📚 IVF Mexico thread on reddit
📚 Information document from the Mexican government on medical tourism

9. Community, Comments and Questions

Community, Comments and Questions

Any questions regarding IVF in Mexico?

Feel free to drop a comment below if you have any questions or need assistance regarding IVF in Mexico. Our community is here to support you every step of the way. Whether you're seeking advice, recommendations, or simply a listening ear, you'll find a wealth of knowledge and compassion within this community.

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Erin B. March 21st 2024 @ 3:33 PM

How can I book a call with doctor Castillo? Thx.

Michaël V. March 21st 2024 @ 3:36 PM

Hi Erin! You can request a free consultation with Dr. Castillo here: Book a consultation. Wishing you all the best going forward! 🙏

Sarah Logan February 29th 2024 @ 3:12 AM

Anyone knows about a clinic named Irega in Mexico?

Cristine L. March 04th 2024 @ 8:22 PM

Yup, there in Cancun. Heard good thing about them.

Amanda McIan January 12th 2024 @ 8:34 PM

Thanks sooo much, I've learned a lot.

Enlistalo Fertilidad México February 29th 2024 @ 3:04 AM

That's awesome, thanks for sharing!

Lorissa February 27th 2024 @ 11:19 AM

how can I book a consultation?

Lorissa February 28th 2024 @ 2:18 PM

thank you!

Enlistalo Fertilidad México February 27th 2024 @ 11:34 AM

Hi Lorissa! Feel free to reach us at info@enlistalo.com.mx by email or on our WhatsApp here and we'll help you book a free online consultation with Dr. Alejandro Castillo. Have a wonderful day! 😊

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