What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancies, or ectopic-type pregnancies, occur in approximately 2% of women who become pregnant. In this case, unlike conventional pregnancy, the fertilized egg nests outside the uterus.

What is an ectopic pregnancy? - Enlistalo Fertilidad México

What is an ectopic pregnancy?

Ectopic pregnancies, or ectopic-type pregnancies, occur in approximately 2% of women who become pregnant. In this case, unlike conventional pregnancy, the fertilized egg nests outside the uterus.

Abnormalities in the fallopian tubes, whether of genetic, inflammatory or surgical origin, are some of the factors that favor the appearance of this type of pregnancy. Depending on the case, a pharmacological treatment or a surgical intervention may be necessary to stop it. What are the symptoms and the consequences? What treatments are available? Can the baby stay? Is it possible to become pregnant again afterwards? In this article we give you the answers to these questions.

What happens in an ectopic pregnancy?

In an ectopic pregnancy, the egg fertilized by a sperm does not migrate properly to the uterus as it would in a conventional pregnancy. In most cases, it implants inside one of the fallopian tubes.

This is called tubal pregnancy. The fertilized egg can also nest in the ovary (ovarian pregnancy), in the cervix (cervical pregnancy), in the abdominal cavity (peritoneal pregnancy) or elsewhere in the pelvis. Once implanted, the fertilized egg can begin to develop, even if it is not attached to the uterine wall.

What are the risk factors?

Several causes have been identified. Abnormalities in the fallopian tubes, which prevent the fertilized egg from advancing, are among the most common. For example, the tubes may be totally or partially blocked as a result of a genetic defect, a surgical intervention such as tubal ligation, or PID (tubal inflammation).

Other risk factors are the development of a pregnancy with an IUD and smoking. Sometimes ectopic pregnancy is unexplained. In general, women who have a history of ectopic pregnancy are more likely to have a repeat ectopic pregnancy.

What are the symptoms of an ectopic pregnancy?

At first, you may experience the classic symptoms of pregnancy: absence of menstruation, nausea, breast tenderness, light vaginal bleeding, abdominal cramping, etc. However, some women show no signs at all. The main symptom of pregnancy outside the uterus is light bleeding during the first weeks, as well as mild abdominal pain. In this case, a specialist should always be consulted.

In the later stages of pregnancy, there may be abdominal pain and heavy bleeding, dizziness or fainting. These latter symptoms should prompt you to seek urgent medical attention..

¿Cómo se detecta un embarazo ectópico?

Suspicion of an ectopic pregnancy can be based on blood tests. The level of chorionic gonadotropic hormone reveals that you are pregnant, but it remains low and increases very slowly. An ultrasound can confirm the diagnosis. This may show that there is no uterine sac or that there is a collection of blood in your body. If the pregnancy becomes complicated, there is a collection of blood in the abdomen.

Sometimes the practitioner can visualize an implanted embryo sac outside the uterus, but this is not routine. If necessary, an abdominal or pelvic examination with a mini-camera (laparoscopy) can be added to the ultrasound. It can also be used as a surgical treatment.

Can you keep the baby in case of ectopic pregnancy?

Cuando se produce un embarazo ectópico, no puedes quedarte con el bebé. This is because the uterus is the only organ in the body suitable to receive and grow an embryo. Outside the uterine cavity, nesting and enlargement of the fertilized egg can lead to tissue rupture and hemorrhage. Sometimes the body eliminates the pregnancy naturally (miscarriage occurs).

If diagnosed early, it can be stopped with medication. In some cases, the miscarried embryo has to be surgically removed. Current techniques make it possible, in most cases, to treat the ectopic pregnancy without endangering the patient's life and preserving her fertility. As a general rule, the earlier an ectopic pregnancy is detected, the easier the response will be and the less serious the consequences will be.

Becoming pregnant again after an ectopic pregnancy

It is usually possible to become pregnant again after an ectopic pregnancy. However, if the pregnancy requires the removal of both fallopian tubes, this is not possible. However, be aware that the risk of recurrence can be significant. If you become pregnant again, early medical follow-up (by blood test and ultrasound) is recommended. It is necessary to check that the embryo has settled in your uterus.

Source: IVI-Fertilite.fr

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