What is the success rate of IVF in Mexico?

Among medically assisted reproduction treatments, in vitro fertilization (IVF) contributes to the birth of 350,000 babies worldwide each year.

What is the success rate of IVF in Mexico? - Enlistalo Fertilidad México

What is the success rate of IVF in Mexico?

Among medically assisted reproduction treatments, in vitro fertilization (IVF) contributes to the birth of 350,000 babies worldwide each year.

This method, which allows an egg and a spermatozoon to meet in the laboratory, accounts for more than 60% of attempts. What does the in vitro fertilization protocol involve? Who is it intended for? Since the birth of the first "test tube baby", what innovations have improved in vitro fertilization? What success rate can we expect from IVF? With IVI, let's zoom in on IVF, an assisted reproduction technique that is constantly progressing and holds great hopes.

Frozen embryo transfer to improve IVF success rate

With embryo freezing, a single cycle of ovarian stimulation can result in several successive pregnancies. With this technique, it is possible to delay the transfer of embryos, using them in separate IVF cycles. This method is crucial when the transfer of fresh embryos is not recommended. It is also indicated in cases of ovarian hyperstimulation syndrome, receptivity disorders or endometrial deterioration.

Moreover, cryopreservation of embryos is unavoidable while waiting for the results of the tests related to PGD. By choosing embryo cryopreservation, one can benefit from in vitro fertilization with the same success rate as IVF performed with fresh embryos. In short, a single embryo is transferred, the others are frozen and stored in optimal conditions for a possible future transfer.

Fine, but what is IVF?

In vitro fertilization (IVF) is the process of inducing contact between an egg and a sperm in the laboratory. This is done in order to obtain fertilized embryos in vitro, i.e. outside the patient's body. The goal is to implant one of these embryos in the mother's uterus. This method is indicated for certain female infertility problems such as ovarian insufficiency, endometriosis or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS). IVF can also improve the chances of success in the presence of severe male factors, as well as in cases of genetic disease in the spouse. In vitro fertilization can be performed with the couple's own gametes, but also with donor sperm or oocytes.

What is IVF with ICSI?

When the future father is diagnosed with a severe male factor, it is preferable to use intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI). This technique maximizes the success rate of traditional IVF (in vitro fertilization) by injecting a spermatozoon directly into the oocyte. ICSI has the great advantage of requiring only a few mobile spermatozoa to obtain embryos. The intracytoplasmic injection is performed in the laboratory by a biologist under microscopic control. The treatment process follows the same procedure as for a conventional IVF.

IVF with egg donation

IVF with egg donation aims to fertilize the eggs of an anonymous donor with the patient's own sperm, using traditional IVF or IVF with ICSI. This treatment is recommended when other assisted reproductive technologies have failed. IVF with egg donation is also indicated in cases of repeated abortions or late pregnancy, poor egg quality, low ovarian reserve, risk of chromosomal abnormality or genetic disease. To increase the chances of a successful IVF, the donor undergoes a complete clinical examination including blood tests, pelvic ultrasound and thorough gynecological exploration. A karyotype is performed to map the chromosomes, which is essential to avoid any risk of malformation in the child. All of this information is carefully recorded in order to simplify the donor-recipient matching.

Source: IVI-Fertilite.fr

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